The world is Magical

The world is Magical

I've been working really hard on my teaching resources lately and one thing that I really want to empower through my business, is the feeling that the world is magic. If you've ever been around children, I think it's safe to say that there are moments when the world lights up. When there seem to be endless golden opportunities on the horizon. As an adult, we often share in these moments and take these precious moments as a gift but all too often, we can take them for granted. These priceless moments show us how magical the world truly is.

Through Miss Ritchie's Resources, I am working hard on making even more opportunities for these precious moments to blossom. I try to look at the world around me and try and capture its golden light in a game that might pass inspire that magical feeling. 

While stuck in traffic, I considered who designed Christchurch. I wondered who put the roads where they are, what happened to everyone's childhood dreams of building slides into every single house? Wait! I wanted a giant ball pit in my home... I wonder how I can make this into a game that will inspire the same joy I felt as a child when I was planning my dream house? So, I created the 'build a city' resource.  With my teacher brain switched on, I considered how this could be linked to teaching and learning. The children could write stories about the cities they design! With the older children, we could approximate prices for each structure we wanted to build and work on pricing up our dream cities! 


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